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July 2017


To The Good People of OSTA,

I was pleased to see a decent turnout for our shoot at Rushcreek. We had 147 shooters for the weekend which was our best turnout so far this year. We also had a dozen or so people that came to visit but didn’t shoot due to injuries or other circumstance. The folks at Rushcreek went above and beyond again this year. The grounds were in perfect order and as a special bonus, they have been having a commercial sprayer come in twice a month for mosquito control. The Saturday night fish fry did not disappoint. If you left hungry, it is your own fault. We were graced with great weather and a big beautiful moon all weekend.

As usual, Saturday was a full day of shooting and having a good time with friends and family. There was a steady flow of folks on the course and practice range. Ed his crew set up a nice balloon shoot for the kids. The kids were challenged with shooting apples of the targets heads and we had a few little novelty shoots for them. I think all the kids were having a great time. As things were winding down, some “kid” brought over 100 water balloons and a water battle ensued for quite some time.

We held our meeting Saturday. Again, it was great to see so many people show up and participate in the meeting. We discussed how to promote our shoots a little more. The use of flyers was talked about and Flyers were made up for our next two shoots and put out on the table Sunday morning. We are still in need of people to step up for the positions of Treasurer and Vice President. There has been some interest for the office of Vice President but nothing official yet. We absolutely need someone to take over the office of Treasurer for the next term. We went through all this last year with the office of secretary. We need a full group of officers to maintain OSTA as it is. Joy shared a very sincere and well-spoken thought pertaining to need for people to step up and participate. Mike, Glenn and Bobbi shared their thoughts as well. I appreciate all the comments concerning the matter. The meeting adjourned and many of us proceeded to see how many plates of fish we could eat.

Sunday morning brought on services conducted by Ralph Evans. After services and breakfast, the course opened for another great day of shooting. There was some good competition going on over at the CBA novelty that carried over from Saturday. Some good shooting going on there. We had some good scores turned in and had to have a few shoot offs to determine places.

It was good to see the return of some of our vendors. Tom Frick, Dave Huff and even ole Stumblin’ Wolf showed up with some of his hand forged wares. Thanks for setting up shop guys.

Our next shoot will be at Willard which is another place that always seems to do it up right for us. Hope to see you all there.

Matt 740-493-3129

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