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Jun 2017

To The Good People of OSTA:

I can’t believe I can actually say this, but we had the best weather I’ve ever seen for a shoot at Blackhoof! It was actually fairly dry. Despite the great weather the turnout was pretty low for the weekend, only about 85 shooters for the whole weekend with numbers not making it out of the thirties for Sunday. For those who did make it, we had a good time. Friday night seen an exciting game of kickball with the kids that were there as well as a few big kids playing along. Afterwards, a few campfires came to life and stories sprang up among the less than twenty folks camping.

Saturday was a fun day of shooting and the kids all enjoyed the balloon shoot that Ed set up. I passed out two Therma Cells as door prizes and all the kids were given bug bracelets to help ward of the mosquitoes. I plan on doing this again at the Rushcreek shoot as well. A meeting was held that afternoon. We discussed the low shoot numbers for the year and Mike reported on our financial status which is alright but with decreased shoot numbers we have had decreases in monies coming in. We have been bringing in roughly half of what we have been at shoots in the past few years. We discussed the proposal that was on the table regarding not entering into long term agreements and effectively eliminating any such agreement made in the past. The proposal was voted on and passed. We will be trying to get shoot flyers out along with the newsletter and will bring extras for upcoming shoots to the Rushcreek shoot. Please feel free to copy or print the flyers and pass them out at other shoots or clubs. The positions of Treasurer and Vice-President are up for nomination and voting this year. Mike Peters has expressed that he will not be up for the position again. We absolutely have to have a treasurer for this club to operate so I hope we have some folks step up to the plate this year. There was no new business discussed. Meeting was adjourned.

After having some fine food, the campfires again sprang up and glo-bracelets passed out to the kids. It was great to see the kids having so much fun. I’m hoping to have some more treats for the kids for the next shoot.

Sunday services were held at 8:30 with several attendees relative to the number of folks that were there. Sunday seemed to come and go fast. Like I said, we didn’t have many shooters and there was not a ton of scorecards to add up and no shoot offs so we got done fairly quickly. Thanks to everyone that helped set the course, work the table and work the kids shoot. Let’s spread the word and see if we can get more of our long lost friends to come to Ruchcreek. Sure to be a good time and great food. Hope to see ya there.



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