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April 2017


To the good folks of OSTA, We held our annual fun shoot at Apache Bowhunters. We had around 140 shooters for the weekend. It was good to see some new faces joining our club. Thanks to everyone that helped set the course and run the kids shoot. We did not hold a business meeting. A new proposal was made prior to banquet and delivered to the executive committee which the committee allowed to be presented to the membership. The proposal was made by Matt Fout which reads, I propose “that OSTA not enter into any specific agreement either contractually or verbally, regarding shoots or events with any club or entity for a period of more than two years. Furthermore, this proposal, if passed, would render any agreements made in the past null and void.” This proposal is meant to be added to existing verbage in Article 1 of the Constitution. It was explained that this proposal is to give the president and executive committee more freedom in setting up the schedule as well as not putting OSTA at risk for possible problems regarding such long term agreements. There was some enthusiasm and not much debate on this issue. We will be having a business meeting at Ross County. The meeting will be on Saturday at 4:30 at the club house. Anyone interested in competing for shooter of the year must be in good standing and have their membership up to date by/at the Ross County shoot. I think we may have a few people that owe money from the Kids auction. The new arrow rule will be in affect at Ross County so any class can shoot any material. Reminder there are still no outserts allowed. I will let everyone know as soon as possible what the menu at Ross County will look like. Hope everyone had an enjoyable Easter, good luck to those going to chase birds. See you at Ross County Matt 740-493-3129

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