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March 2017


Fellow OSTA Members, It was good to see those that could make it to the banquet. Many of our members were unable to attend but we still had a respectable turnout of around 85 people. Claylick provided us a nice place to gather again this year. Many thanks to those at Claylick who helped clean up, set up and tear things down. We had a great time seeing some of our friends we haven’t seen for a few months. We had plenty of fine dishes for dinner and some great desserts to add to the smoked pork. We held our business meeting where Bobbi Fry officially became our new secretary! I would like to ask everyone to say a special thanks to Ted when you see him, for his service as secretary the past few years. I feel Ted has done an outstanding job fulfilling an often thankless and overlooked position. Thanks Ted. Mike Peters read and explained our financial status and it looks like we are in good shape heading into this year. Mike also reiterated that he has been packing around a lot of the same merchandise for quite some time and we will not be ordering more shirts, ect. until the older ones are gone. Quite a bit of the clubs money can get tied up in merchandise. Also, those who still owe for the kids auction items needs to contact Mike or see him at their first shoot before registering. Glenn asked for help as far as needing stakes set at the Apache fun shoot. Ed Jarvis quickly volunteered to make sure the stakes were there. The matter of the proposed arrow rule “All classes may shoot arrow material of choice including natural arrows such as wood, bamboo or river cane: aluminum or carbon arrows” was discussed for the allowable ten minutes. A vote by ballot was held and those in attendance voted to pass the proposal. This new rule will take effect this year beginning at Ross Co. for competition. Just to be clear, any class can shoot any arrow material for competition or for fun. This is, has been, and will undoubtedly be a much debated rule, so my hope for OSTA is to move forward and for all members to respect each other’s opinions and respect the Constitution, By-Laws and Standing Rules. Some new business is at hand. Our friend and fearless interweb leader, Buckeye Mike, has chosen to step down after 13 years of service. Folks, that is nearly half of the time OSTA has existed! I think Buckeye deserves a special thanks when you see him. He has done so much behind the scenes that many take for granted. I know I have called on him to get something out quick (like 11pm at night) and it was posted on the web the next morning. He has certainly been an asset to OSTA and will continue to be during the transition to the next administrator. With that said, we are looking for people to step up to handle or help with the website. There have been ideas about relying on Facebook more and I appreciate those thoughts but I think we should also have an active web page. We do have at least a temporary solution in place so we do not have to outsource (which will cost us $$$). Anyone interested in administering our web page/Facebook please contact me. A new proposal was made and delivered to the executive committee which the committee allowed to be presented to the membership. The proposal was made by Matt Fout which reads, I propose “that OSTA not enter into any specific agreement either contractually or verbally, regarding shoots or events with any club or entity for a period of more than two years. Furthermore, this proposal, if passed, would render any agreements made in the past null and void.” This proposal is meant to be added to existing verbage in Article 1 of the Constitution. It was explained that this proposal is to give the president and executive committee more freedom in setting up the schedule as well as not putting OSTA at risk for possible problems regarding such long term agreements. There was some enthusiasm and not much debate on this issue. Congratulations to all of the Shooter of the Year recipients. Thanks to Dave Huff for making the awards this year, a very nice leather drink holder to fit on your belt or pants. For those that weren’t present, I have your awards, Conrats, to Tim Lutz for winning the membership bow this year. This year the membership bow will be a selfbow made by Guy Dasher. Thanks again for agreeing to make the bow Guy. April fun shoot at Apache. Members shoot for free Saturday. Matt 740-493-3129

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