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Matt Fout

March 2014

I hope everyone who attended the banquet enjoyed the great food and comradery we shared. Thanks to all those who helped with the preparations, food and setup. If anyone has any ideas on how to improve our banquet or save costs associated with it please let me know. The banquet is a significant expense in our yearly budget. I believe we may try to do rsvp next year so we can get a better idea on how much food, beverages and supplies we will need. We had a lot of leftover meat, drinks and veggie trays this year. As we begin our 2015 season we are financially stable and I believe most major purchases that we need have already been made and accounted for. Mike had a great worksheet at the banquet showing where our money is spent. We have purchased one archery backstop for the kids program. I received it but it was defective and the supplier is supposed to be sending a replacement. With any luck, we will have it ready for the fun shoot at Apache. We will also have OSTA business cards at the shoots with our contact info on the front and the schedule on the back. Feel free to take some of these and pass out to friends or drop off at your local sporting goods stores. There will also be flyers to advertise our shoots. I am hopeful that with a little advertisement this year, our shoot numbers will increase over last year. New score cards were made for competition with the updated classes and rules on the back. These cards are green and will only be used for competition. This should help people know their proper class and the rules and help speed things up at the registration table. We should all be proud that we are part of a great club that has endured 25 years and helped promote our great sport of traditional archery. With that said, we are going to try to do some special things this year in celebration of 25 years of service. We have commitments from several vendors and bowyers to make special merchandise, bows for the state shoot raffle and donations. If anyone knows any vendors or craftsmen interested in participating please let me know. We have several within out club who have already started making a few specialty pieces. If you haven’t seen it, check out the quiver that Dave Huff made commemorating 25 years of OSTA. It will be one of the raffle items for this year. I expect this year to be a great year leading up to what I hope will be a spectacular state shoot. Dan will not be able to attend the June shoot at Blackhoof so we will need some volunteers to step up and help with the transport of the kids targets and help run their Saturday fun shoot. Please contact Dan or myself if you are able to help out. Our first shoot will be the fun shoot at Apache in Lockbourne on 4/11-4/12. BYOB- bring your own boots! Just in case. See ya there. Have a Happy Easter. Matt

OSTA Shoot Schedule

OSTA Banquet March 8 Cardinal Shooting Center, Merengo Fun Shoot April 11 & 12 Apache Bowhunters Lockbourne May 2 & 3 Ross County Bowhunters Chillicothe, Oh June 6 & 7 Blackhoof Bowmen Jamestown, Ohio July 11 & 12 Rushcreek Sportsmen Belle Center August 1 & 2 Hocking Valley Sportsmen Albany September 5 & 6 OSTA STATE SHOOT Claylick Bowhunters Newark

Don’t forget to bring your canned goods / non perishable food items with you to each shoot. Items are give to the local club to donate or distribute to the needy in their area.

Thanks for helping OSTA to give back to the communities we visit.

Please support these vendors, they support us!

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