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August 2014

Matt Fout

To the Good People of OSTA, First of all I would like to thank all the folks at Claylick for all their hard work. I know they have been working very hard on improving their grounds and facilities and it shows. Very well done ladies and fellas. I hope everyone enjoyed themselves at the shoot and if there is anything you see that we can improve on feel free to comment. It sounds like most everyone had a good time except for getting caught out in the rain on Saturday. (It is OSTA after all) I appreciate everyone’s help, especially since I was a bit gimpy this weekend. I was glad to see some of our members that we haven’t seen much this year. It was especially nice to see Lauby make it out and he was appreciative of all of our thoughts and prayers. I want to remind everyone who wasn’t at the meeting that we will be voting on the standing rules at the state shoot. If you are not familiar with the changes and have not seen them in the newsletter or on the website please feel free to contact me and I will send a copy. Copies will also be available at the registration table at the state shoot. Also, the issue of having a memorial shoot in the name of Sonny Iman was brought up and agreed we should pursue this as a possible shoot for next year. This will not be changing the shooting schedule in any way but name alone and does not need to be voted on as I understand, but I would like the club’s feedback. It was brought to my attention after the meeting that instead of doing a shoot solely dedicated to Sonny, we should do a shoot with a more inclusive list of those who have been a big part of OSTA and have passed. Perhaps a “Legends of OSTA” type shoot and name the different events in the honor of those legends. This sounds like a viable option to me but I would like the club’s input on it at the state shoot before the schedule is set for next year. Nominations are still open for the offices of president and secretary and will be voted on at the state shoot. In the event I am to remain president, a vice president will be needed to fill out next year’s term. This can be done as an appointment and does not have to be voted on. We will be needing donations for the kid’s auction at the state shoot to help raise money for the kid’s fund. Currently, the kids program is doing well and we are well stocked very well. With that in mind, I would ask that any donations be quality items no matter how big or small. Thanks to Nancy Miller for volunteering to model the auction items. (Be on time this year Nancy) We also need items for the raffle and kid’s giveaway so if anyone has items they would like to donate that would be great. If you see a good deal on items pertaining to hunting or camping feel free to contact me to see if we can use those items. I have contacted several vendors and I believe we will have more vendors this year at our shoot. If anyone knows of any potential vendors please have them call or email me. I hope to see you all at the state shoot at Willard and bring some friends .Matt Fout 740-648-5493

Secretary notes; Old stuff, The subject of a Sonny Iman memorial shoot came up, questions, if we host, which shoot do we use, if we do, will we be ready for the extra people, will members step up? Bill Laub wants to launch arrows in memory of lost members. In a show of hands the members voted for a memorial shoot of some sort. The position of president and treasurer will expire after the banquet, nominations welcome. New stuff, Kids auction, fund going well. We need donations for the kids auction, There should be more vendors at the state shoot. We are ordering hoodies, shirts, hats. This is a big expense, hoodies should be prepaid to help out if possible .We set out a paper for ordering, none ordered…. Pins ordered for competition awards, once again a BIG expense. Dan New would like input for keeping the kids shoot safe, donations for prizes. There is a Kevlar net that would help with errant arrows, can we look into buying? Matt ended the meeting with thanking Claylick. We had 54 shooters, 8 kids on a dreary Saturday. 89 shooters, 23 kids on Sunday. 37 people shot competition.

OSTA Shoot Schedule

2014 Shoot Schedule OSTA Banquet March 2 Cardinal Shooting Center, Merengo April 5 & 6 Apache Bowhunters Lockbourne May 3 & 4 Ross County Bowhunters Chillicothe, Oh June 7 & 8 Blackhoof Bowmen Jamestown, Ohio July 12 & 13 Rushcreek Sportsmen Belle Center August 2 & 3 Claylick Bowhunters Newark August 30 & 31 OSTA STATE SHOOT Willard Conservation League Willard
Don’t forget to bring your canned goods / non perishable food items with you to each shoot. Items are give to the local club to donate or distribute to the needy in their area.
Thanks for helping OSTA to give back to the communities we visit.

Please support these vendors, they support us!

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