To the Good People of OSTA, The July shoot at Rushcreek Sportsman’s went off pretty well I thought. I would have liked to have seen more people make it out but I understand some members had other obligations and the weather threatened us a bit on Sunday. The weather held out for us this weekend though, which is certainly not our normal luck! Thanks again for all those who helped set the stakes on Friday and Saturday. Kudos to Dave Huff for acting as Range Captain this weekend, thanks Dave. The fine folks at Rushcreek provided us with well manicured grounds for camping and shooting and as always the trails on the course were well kept and greatly appreciated. They kept us in plenty of good food as well. Thanks again to those at Rushcreek who provided us with a great place to shoot, camp, eat and socialize. For those not present at the meeting, I had the unenviable position of announcing Jim Suttinger’s resignation as OSTA President. Jim has taken an opportunity to further his career and for the time being his new job is requiring much of his time and he felt it was best for the club for him to step down. I know Jim has a lot of great ideas for our club and has done a lot of work for OSTA to the benefit of our club. Jim and I have become good friends through OSTA and I appreciate his friendship and I will do my best to faithfully fill out his term. Jim has agreed to help as much as he can in the transition. I hope you all join me in wishing Jim and Diane well. With the current officer situation, a temporary vice-president was needed. For the remainder of this year Glenn Anderson will act as the vice- president. Thanks for stepping up Glenn! The current term for V.P. will actually run until the end of next year, which is actually my duty to fulfill. However, if I am voted in as President the V.P. position will need to be filled in the event Glenn does not wish to carry on through next year. Anyone interested in acting as V.P. for next year should contact me. Nominations for President and Secretary are open currently. Currently, I have accepted the nomination for Pres. and Ted has accepted the nomination for Secretary. I hope that is all perfectly muddy! As acting President I would like to make something perfectly clear. I will be holding the Constitution and the Standing Rules in high regard. Just because changes have occurred within the club leadership structure, does not mean the Constitution and Standing Rules are weaker. I consider you all my friends and I do not want, and will not be put in the position of deciding between my friend’s poor decisions and OSTA’s Constitution and Rules. The Constitution and Rules will prevail every time. I would like to mention that we have had several members who have not been able to attend events this year. I hope you all join me in keeping those members in our thoughts and prayers. If you know of someone in the club who needs a hand, having health issues or needs prayers please let me know. I feel it is important to take care of our own in times of need. Our next shoot is scheduled for Aug. 2nd and 3rd at Claylick in Newark. I hope to see you all there. Feel free to contact me with any questions or issues. My email is honeysucklewoodworks@yahoo.com and my cell is 740-648-5493. Matt Fout