To the Good People of OSTA,
I started off the meeting at Ross County with gratitude and an explanation. I have been an officer for one year and the other officers are really just getting started. We are all new to our duties and responsibilities and as we stumble along getting things done as best as we can, we all appreciate your patience.
The discussion about the Standing Rules was longer than expected but very productive. There were some very good points made that were worth considering, especially for the younger shooters. I have made some adjustments to the rules and they will be highlighted in a copy on the registration table at the shoot in May. It has been pointed out to me that there was a similar discussion back in 2006/2007 and the membership voted for a process concerning the Standing Rules. I did some research and found that to be true so we will go by this concerning these revisions. We will work on getting the final cut done by the July Shoot and reveal them there with discussion at that meeting. We will then include them in the following newsletter, repeat the process at the August shoot, and vote on them at the State Shoot. So for now the discussion will be limited concerning this issue because we will follow this process.
There was a small incident at the Ross County shoot that I need to address. A bow was picked up by someone who thought it was their son’s that belonged to someone else. It was recovered and written off as an honest mistake. I would suggest marking bows in some way like the string color or string silencers so you can easily identify you bows even from a distance. If you are not positive a bow hanging on a rack near registration belongs to you or yours, leave it till you know for sure. If a bow, quiver, glove, whatever does not belong to you and appears “lost”, give it to one of the officers so they can find its owner.
Most of you have probably heard that OSTA was invited to do a Traditional Archery “class” at the Women in the Outdoors event sponsored by the National Wild Turkey Federation. It will be in Johnstown at the Johnstown Sportsman’s Club on June 28. There has been a good response so far and this is an excellent opportunity for OSTA to introduce the sport we love to others. If you can help in any way at this event please let one of the officers know and they will convey this to me. You can also call or e-mail me directly. 740-816-3806, jsuttinger@gmail.com. If you commit please do so knowing we will be counting on you to be there.
I will not be at the May shoot in Jamestown so Matt Fout your Vice President will be running the show. Please give him your full support. I hope you have a great shoot and the weather hold out for OSTA this year.
Your President, Jim Suttinger
A personal note from your secretary.
At the Ross County shoot a mistake was made on a score card classification. There was a young man that did not get to hear his name called, did not get to walk up and get a pin. I take full responsibility, and extremely sorry. The line at the registration table can get quite long, please be patient. I’m new, I rushed, never again, We are all about passing our tradition on the next generation. I have been working on streamlining, and promise to improve.
Jim started out talking about the banquet, what a success it was at Apache. There was discussion of doing the banquet with the first shoot, or separate like before. Cost saving, weather, access to indoor pool at Cardinal, ability to shoot at banquet were all topics for next year’s banquet. Jamie Miller asked to table discussion, Jim made motion to table, Mark Gentline seconded, tabled till later. Jim went over proposed changes to standing rules. Joy brought up kids moving up in class, one year out ok, but not two years out, more to come on all discussed.Jim motioned to close meeting, Jamie seconded. Meeting over.
******* Jennifer Elizondo won membership bow******