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  • Matt Fout

August 2018

To the Good People of OSTA,

We held our annual August shoot at Willard Conservation Club. Rob, Mark and the crew at Willard were very accommodating, as always. They had great food at the kitchen and set us up Saturday evening with an all you can eat pizza and salad buffet. We had pretty nice weather, maybe a touch on the warm side, but at least it didn’t rain. We had 95 paid shooters for the weekend and 8 kids. Of the paid shooters, 52 were members and 43 non-members. This is a slight change over the past two years where we drew in higher numbers of non-members at this shoot. We did have several people who came to the shoot that did not shoot. Sometimes, just catching up with old friends is fun enough.

We held our business meeting Saturday afternoon where we had a good attendance of most everyone who was in camp. Nominations for the offices of President and Secretary were discussed. There were no new nominations. As it stands, we have one nomination for President (Jeff Fletcher) and one nomination for Secretary (Laura Smith). Nominations may be made up until the vote (if needed) at the State Shoot. Mike Peters was gracious enough to fill in at the table in Bobbi’s absence.

The proposals for changes in arrow rules and the proposal for the addition of a separate longbow class were discussed. There are three proposals in all that will be voted on separately.

Proposal #1 made by Matt Fout. I propose that the arrow rule for the selfbow class be changed as follows. “ The selfbow class must shoot wood or natural material such as cane, bamboo, shoots ect. Arrows must use natural feathers, no plastic fletching. Plastic nocks are acceptable, however, self nocks or horn nocks are encouraged”. This proposal would replace the existing rule that selfbow class can shoot any material. It is my feeling that the selfbow class needs to remain as pure to its roots as possible.

Proposal #2 made by Mike Peters. This proposal is to replace the existing rule for the longbow class which states that any arrow material may be used. Proposal would be “the reinstatement of the prior arrow rule for the longbow class which would be wood or natural material arrows only”.

Proposal #3 made by Mike Peters. This is a proposal to add a “Modern Longbow” class to exempt those shooting glass, carbon, aluminum or other non wood or natural materials arrow from moving into the recurve class. Proposal states “A new longbow class called Modern Longbow be created. This term would beused to describe all the materials in the bow such as laminates and other manmade materials. This description would include the arrows as well. Following OSTA rules, sights and use of mechanical devices is prohibited”. The addition of this class would alleviate the bi-annual discussion on arrows and class restrictions.

There was much discussion had on these proposals. I feel like the general consensus is that most people are in favor of proposal number one. There seems to be a division on proposals two and three. I also feel like there is a little confusion about what these proposals actually mean. Proposal two is proposing that the rule be changed back to its original form from when the club was founded. That is, all wood or natural materials for the longbow class. Proposal three would be the addition of a new longbow class with the same rules for the bow and arrows as we currently have. This is not in any way an addition to allow any different styles of longbow that do not meet our description of a longbow in the Constitution. These proposals will be discussed and voted on at the State Shoot.

A proposal was made by Dan New in writing and submitted to the officers and executive committee in attendance. The proposal was reviewed and a majority consensus reached that the proposal be allowed for discussion and vote according to Robert’s Rules of Order.

The proposal was as follows by Dan New. “I propose we vote to lift the ban on shoots at Coshocton Conservation Club.” Reasons include. There is a contract to keep previous actions which caused the ban from happening again. They have plenty of space for camping, a kitchen that is opened, manned and produces good food. They also hold shoots on their own with numbers that exceed our state shoot numbers. Many OSTA members already shoot at their traditional shoot. The facility is clean and members are friendly.

This proposal was voted on and passed unanimously. This is not a confirmation that we will be going there immediately but does open up the possibility of holding future shoots there of both clubs agree to do so.

The State Shoot is quickly coming upon us. We need donations and door prizes folks. So far we have only had a couple of donations. Help on finding items for raffle and door prizes would be greatly appreciated and is needed. We will be having the Scott Gensert Memorial Kid’s Fund Auction Saturday evening at 7:00 on the porch of the Clubhouse (weather permitting). Please bring your new or used donations for the auction to the front of the clubhouse, there will be a table for the items to be placed on.

For those folks hanging out on Sunday lets try to do the annual potluck like we used to have. Look out for more information on our Facebook group.

Hope to see you all at Claylick Bowhunters for our 29th Annual State Shoot

Matt 740-493-3129

Don’t forget to bring your canned goods / non perishable food items with you to each shoot.

Items are given to the local club to donate or distribute to the needy in their area.

Thanks for helping OSTA to give back to the communities we visit.

Please support our vendors, they support us!

2018 OSTA Schedule

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