To The Good People of OSTA,
Another fine year of OSTA shoots has come and gone. Thanks to all those at Claylick and the members of OSTA who made our State Shoot possible. Another fine job. The attendance at the state shoot was respectable but down from the previous year by about eighty shooters. Numbers were down across the board all year long but we still had fun at every shoot and were able stay financially stable.
We tried a new thing this year with the kids at the State Shoot, OSTA Bucks. They seemed to enjoy being able to earn the OSTA Bucks by doing camp chores or shooting well at the kids shoot. Ed Jarvis and crew ran the kids shoot and passed out quite a few bucks to the kids for all the fine shooting going on there. OSTA and Claylick worked together to make sure the kids had plenty of treats to spend their OSTA bucks on at the kitchen. Thanks to all the vendors who also participated in the program and allowed the kids to use their OSTA bucks to purchase items. We continue to look for more ideas to help keep the kids interested in traditional archery and our events. We have a pretty decent kid’s fund available to do more for the kids and to provide bows and arrows to those in need or just beginning archery. We were able to meet our goal at the Scott Gensert Memorial Kids Auction. It was close this year, but we managed to just break over the $1000 mark. Thanks to all those who donated items and participated in the auction.
During the meeting we discussed a few different ways of trying to bolster our membership and bring in new members. We will be supplying flyers for all the shoots and urge all our members to help get our flyers out there. We discussed calling members or past members that we have not seen for a while.
We will have two new officers for the upcoming year. Jeff Fletcher will be the Vice President and Jerry Waddell will be the Treasurer. A big thanks to Jeff and Jerry for stepping up and helping out. Mike Peters and Glenn Anderson have done a fine job in their respective positions of Treasurer and VP and I am sure they will enjoy the extra time they will have to spend with friends, family and shooting.
As of this writing, most of the shoot contracts have been signed and returned. I am still waiting on one or two but we have the schedule set for 2018. We will be having our annual banquet on March 4th at Claylick. OSTA will be providing meat, drinks and tableware. We ask everyone to bring a side dish and/or a dessert. We will begin at 11:00 with a social hour followed by the meal at 12:00. Following the meal we will have a business meeting and awards presentation. The shoot schedule for 2018 is as follows.
Ohio Society of Traditional Archers
April 7-8- Fun Shoot at Blackhoof Bowmen
May 5-6- Ross County
June 2-3- Apache Bowhunters
July 14-15- Rushcreek Sportsmen
August 4-5- Willard Conservation
September 1-2- State Shoot at Claylick Bowhunters
Matt 740-493-3129